Monday, November 2, 2009

You Go First

Let me just tell you, first of all, that I was halfway through typing this post when my cell phone fell out of my pocket, landing on my keyboard, and somehow pressed a combination of keys that highlighted the whole entry and deleted it. This was promptly followed by the auto-save doing its thing and saving the nothing that had just occurred, so I couldn't even retrieve what I'd written. I am pretty sure that I could never make that happen again in a million years and I am trying to figure out whether or not I'm amazed or just annoyed that I have to re-type.

Anyway, I enjoyed a relaxing and fun Halloween at home this weekend. The boyfriend and I roadtripped home after classes on Friday and then came back to school late last night. I know relaxing isn't a word usually associated with Halloween, but it was great! Especially because school has been sooo crazy lately with midterms and projects and all of that being due, and I was missing my fam.

But, without further ado, I have to share a funny kid story with you!

This weekend, we went to Chipotle, which if you are not lucky enough to have one near you, is a chain restaurant known for their delicious, awesome and HUGE burritos. We don't have one in Lynchburg, which is a constant source of lament for me, but thankfully we have plenty at home and one on the way home from school about an hour away that many of us stop at. So, after we had our food, I went to find the bathroom (don't worry, this isn't gross).

It's important to note that Chipotle is one of those places that has one-room, one-person bathrooms without stalls. Well, I walked in and before I could close the door, a little girl (probably about 8 years old, so old enough to know better) walked in right behind me. I stood in the doorway, expecting her to realize that there was only room for one, and walk back out. Instead she just stood inside staring at me for a second, at which point I told her, "it's just a one person bathroom."

Without budging, she looked at me, gestured to the toilet and said, "Oh. Well you can go first?"

Ahh, kids say the darndest things!


JenJen said...

Honestly I stopped reading at Chipotle.
It is my favorite place to eat and when I saw it I started drooling and it shorted out my keyboard and then...

la aventurista said...

YUM, you and me both, sistah!

Nina Designs + Parties said...

I just gave you an award. To get it visit my Blog

LegalMist said...

Hey, I decided to revive Tova Darling's Totally Awkward Tuesdays for today. If you'd like to play along, stop by!

Raine said...

Did you kick her out?? :D

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Chrissie said...

Awww. Hahaha. That's so ... cute?
I like your blog:D