Sunday, December 20, 2009

Maybe There's Something Wrong With Me

I've been having this problem lately where I can sleep for forever. I kid you not, I went to bed the other night at 11pm and slept solidly until 12 pm the following day. And I'm not talking like, I doze on and off and am just too lazy to get out of bed. I'm talking solid sleep. And even when I try to set an alarm, I either sleep right through it, or it wakes me up long enough for me to turn it off and immediately fall back asleep. And when I finally do get up, I could easily take a nap at any time. It's disgusting and I never, ever used to do that. I always used to be able to sleep for 4 hours and feel fine or whatevahhh.

Now it's this vicious cycle that goes like this: sleep 12 hours, wake up and stay up really late because you've just slept for half of a literal day (i.e. what's happening right now), sleep only 5ish hours so that you will actually be tired enough to fall asleep at a regular hour of the night, sleep 12 hours. Ugggh, what is my body trying to tell me? Why did I just write a whole blog post about sleep? Ahhhhh.


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