Wednesday, July 8, 2009

8 Things!

The lovely Frannie tagged me in this fun list, so here goes!

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:

1. two back-to-back beach vacations in a few weeks (I love having a boyfriend who takes me with him and having all that time off work before I...
2....go to real college)
3. Andy Davis concert!
4. my Ikea-furnished basement apartment with my awesome roommate in a few months
5. seeing my awesome boyfriend later this evening

6.getting off work (oops I'm slacking...)
7. being DONE with this job, only 4 workdays left!
8. being a new blog-ista!!

8 Things I did Yesterday:

1. Worked
2. had an awkward Tuesday!
3. hung out with some friends
4. watched Man On Fire (Yayy Denzel!)
5. ate popcorn
6. woke up way too early
7. got really excited about being finished with work!
8. talked to the lady I'm housesitting for next week

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
1. Go to Italy
2. Finish school completely debt-free (might still be a possiblity...pray for me...)
3. break dance (or any kind of dance)
4. play guitar reaaallly well
5. decorate and accessorize well
6. be better at math (it's terrible)

7. publish a book (or many)
8. surf

8 Shows I Enjoy:
1. The Office
3. GossipGirl (I know, so embarrassing, but very addicting!)
4. The Bachelorette (also embarassing, although I'm fed up! Jillian needs to stop picking losers!)
5. Prison Break before it got cancelled:(
6. Full House (I cried when that one went to reruns, but hey I was approximately 7 years old)

7. that's probably all the tv i watch...
8. If you had a TV show I might watch it though...

Since I don't really even have 8 followers or "blog friends" yet, then whomever would like to can repost this and pretend I tagged you :)


Ebony said...

i so wanna go to italy too. day...

la aventurista said... day when i have a much larger wallet :)

FRANNIE said...

I am so jealous for the beach vacations!! I don't go on vaca until October :(

la aventurista said...

that's such a bummer!! But vacations anytime are wonderful :)