Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Totally Awkward Tuesdays!

In case you're new here, Tova Darling started Totally Awkward Tuesdays, where we all share are incredibly awkward life stories.

Today's is actually an awkward moment for my lovely boyfriend, which I enjoyed very much, but must have been mortifying for him. We're on a family vacation right now and we invited him to join us. Unfortunately the car ride involved with this family vacation was extremely long, and at some point, he, my mom, and I were all sitting on the back bench of our family's humongous conversion van chatting and somehow the subject of plants came up. My mother was mentioning something about a certain plant and the boyfriend began to make a witty comment about organisms (somehow associated with said plant) and instead it came out "orgasms!" He immediately covered his face, embarrassed as all get out as my mom and I launched into hysterical laughter. It was great! And thankfully I have a very easy going, cool mom who was not offended in the least by the use of the word "orgasm" by her daughter's boyfriend. We're just thankful my dad wasn't within earshot ;).

In other news, as I said before, we're on vacation, and my internet access is limited, so it will be a little while before I'll be able to catch up with all of your TAT stories. It will happen eventually though :) Have a great week!


Just Add Walter said...

hehehe!! hope he wasn't too embarrassed!

Ebony said...

talk about a Freudian Slip!

JenJen said...
