Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'll get to that...

So, I realize that the bulk of my blog entries to date have been Tova's Totally Awkward Tuesdays. While there is no doubt that TATs are great, I'd just like to put it out there that I will get to more about my actual "adventures," etc.

I'm also thinking that I need a more name-like pseudonym? But I kind of like my sort of made up "la aventurista." Maybe I should just take off the la, since that's more name-like anyway. Thoughts on this?


JenJen said...

Have you defined yourself as aventurista? If so, then it stays. If you are feeling like it doesn't reflect you or your writing (which can be different things) than re-read what you wrote, and find the word or words that fit. If you want it to reflect you personally, then what would the title of your autobiography be? What words describe your soul?
Okay. I'm done. Heavy for 9am. My brain hurts.

Judi said...

I've had similar tennis matches in my mind about the name of my blog. Is it interesting enough? Maybe I should change it... but I kinda like it... etc. So, for whatever my two cents are worth - keep it. It's starting to stick now (you're making comments on people's sites, you've got followers, so on) and it will become whatever it's going to become as a result of you. :) Nice to meet ya, la aventurista. :)

Ebony said...

whatever's clever. :) i happen to like la aventurista.