Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Totally Awkward Tuesday!

It's Tuesday again, and you know what that means! Totally Awkward Tuesday, of course, which you can learn more about by visiting Tova Darling. Basically, everyone just shares their awkward stories so we can all laugh together about how awkward life is.

This is probably the single most awkward thing that has ever happened to me.

My wonderful boyfriend and I had been dating about six months when we went to a friend of mine's graduation party. She lives about an hour away from us, and we had a ton of other things to do that day, so we ended up arriving late and then just staying and hanging out with her and her boyfriend after the party, which was at her grandparents' house. The rest of the guests had left, which left the four of us, plus her parents and grandparents, who were all upstairs cleaning up after the festivities.

The four of us decided to go downstairs to the basement and play ping pong for a little while. She and her boyfriend were not very shy (in front of us anyway, I'm not completely sure why) about displaying their affection, and rather than playing ping pong, they decided to go off to the couch in the corner and get affectionate. Since my boyfriend and I were not too interested in watching whatever was going on (I've been assured since that they were "just talking," although I don't know how much of that I believe), we took to the other corner of the room, out of sight from the two of them and got a little more cuddly than we probably should have in someone else's basement, where we had no idea where entrances to the outside were or whether or not someone may decide to walk into the basement whenever they pleased. Almost exactly on cue, just as we began to kiss (and by kiss, I mean contine to holding hands, since I strictly adhere to The Liberty Way);), my friend's father comes busting through the door, right in front of us (nope, that wasn't a closet), catching all three of us off guard. He then felt the need to announce his presence, making the situation even more uncomfortable. To this day, I am still embarrassed every time I see the man. Although I guess it would have been more awkward for my friend's own father to see whatever was going on over there with her, so taking one for the team isn't too horrible. Thankfully now we're all able to laugh about it.


Ebony said...

I so feel you, la aventurista. Being caught in private moments is so awkward! Glad you guys are able to laugh about it now. :)

Judi said...

Oh man, that is awkward. But, as you say, you took one for the team, I guess. And laughing about it is always good. Here's a favorite quotation from Charlie Chaplin: To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain and play with it!

la aventurista said...

Yeah...it was soooo uncomfortable! Thanks though, good Charlie Chaplin quote for sure :)

JennyMac said...

Oh..thanks for the laugh. I had a sim situation...could NEVER look the parent in the eye again. LOL.

la aventurista said...

Hahaha, glad I'm not the only one! I've only seen my friend's father a few times since and I feel SOOO awkward every time. She said that he even told her mom and was concerned that I wasn't the best influence :( uhoh

JenJen said...

uh oh!!