Wednesday, July 15, 2009

This calls for a celebration!

Today was my last day at work! That's another perk of going away to college; you get to quit your job and start over somewhere new. I am really excited about that! And my now ex-coworkers are great and gave me some nice going-away things.

I've also decided after hardly any deliberating at all that I'm keeping the name la aventurista. Thanks for your input, ladies. I realized that I picked the name in the first place for a good reason and that I like it a lot! So I'm keeping it :)

I'm currently on a housesitting adventure for the owner of two boxers. While I generally have nothing against boxers, I'm thinking this may begin to change, because one of these has diarrhea on the carpet literally every time I leave the house, no matter how short an amount of time it is. It's getting really old. Usually, I'm not too easily grossed out, but cleaning up somebody else's dog's crap is one of the lowest points that a person can get to.

I also figured out how to post on the blog via text message (no data plan for me yet), but at this point I don't see how it would really be worth it since you can only successfully post 160 characters or less. So maybe I'll use this for very short blog entries when I don't have computer/internet access. Otherwise, I don't really see how it would be helpful.

Beach vacations begin in 9 days!

1 comment:

Ebony said...

Congrats on your last day! I've just tagged you with an award. Check out my post. :)