Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Totally Awkward Tuesdays!

For an explanation of what Totally Awkward Tuesdays are all about, visit Tova Darling!

My story for this week actually just happened yesterday and did not happen to me at all, but it is so good that I have to share it! I currently work as a receptionist in a physical therapy office (only a week left!) On a pretty regular basis, we have patients that come to their appointments straight from work in their business clothes, so they change into gym clothes in one of our appointment rooms before they exercise. Yesterday, one guy did this very thing, and for whatever reason, not only did he remove his underwear (I don't know about you guys, but I don't really consider it necessary to go commando while exercising, especially in a medical setting), he proceeded to accidentally drop his boxers and leave them in the middle of the floor in the room when he left. We then had to strategically explain that he had left something in the room that he had just changed in and watch as the poor guy figured out exactly what he had left.

Let this be a lesson to all to keep better track of undergarments...and judging by the short, tight gym shorts he opted for, he really should have just left those undies on!


Ebony said...

Lol! Ewww! That is really awkward.

FRANNIE said...

Now we know why our mothers always told us to wear clear underwear when we left the house...laugh.

Can't wait to check out more of your stuff...


FRANNIE said...

oops that should have said 'clean' not clear.

la aventurista said...

hahaha thanks! For a second I was really wondering where I missed the clear underwear fad...

dangerkitty said...

Maybe he was afraid to get lost and decided to leave a trail of undies instead of bred crumbs. :-)

dangerkitty said...

That should say "bread"--I should wear my glasses when I type.

Diane J. said...

First, good story. Second: love all the comments and it's wonderful to meet other people who go back and correct their oopsies, I thought I was an odd duck. Thanks for all the laughs!

Katie said...

that is totally awkward even though it didn't happen to you. You still had to tell him he forgot his chones on the floor and that is mortifying in itself! Thanks for sharing... I also had an awkward situation at work this week. It must have just been an awkward work week...

FRANNIE said...

This story still makes me laugh. Tell us more...you've been tagged.

Can't wait to read your stuff. :)

la aventurista said...

This has been a very awkward work-week so far! Thanks for tagging me Frannie, I'll get to work on that right away!