Thursday, September 10, 2009

Just put the phone down!

Let me just preface this rather critical post by saying that I'm a pretty laid-back person. Things that bother most people, do not usually bother me. I like to take it easy and I'm pretty go-with-the-flow. However, one things that is totally obnoxious is when people use cell phones in completely inappropriate situations. Let me give you a few examples that I've encountered recently:

If you're in a pet store, browsing around for doggie bones and the like, it's probably not a good time to have an intense argument about the custody of your children on your cell phone.

When you're a patient at a physical therapy clinic, and you're trying to make appointments, or better yet, you're actually in the middle of your appointment with the therapist, this is also not a very good time for a cell phone conversation about what you're going to cook for dinner later that evening.

When you're driving along the highway, going 65+ mph, it's probably not a good time to pick up the phone, get into a heated conversation involving boisterous waving of appendages, and swerve back and forth between multiple lanes of traffic. (I personally don't have anything against a phone call while you're driving now and again, but if you can't keep the vehicle on the road while doing so, please refrain)

When you're in the quiet study section of the library at Liberty University and your roommate/friend/whomever calls, it is not the correct time or place to raise your voice at them in frustration because you "are in the library working on the homework assignments that you didn't have the time to finish last night!" And, for what it's worth, a one page paper is definitely not the most difficult of assignments that you'll have in college, so you may want to keep that in mind as well, when complaining at the top of your lungs.

I think that's all I've got for now. So, what's bugging you guys lately?

EDIT: Very shortly after I posted this, my boyfriend texted me with a worthy addition to the list. He went into a public restroom and someone in one of the stalls was having an indepth conversation while on the toilet. Really, people?!?!


JennyMac said...


AMEN...where did common sense go? Out the window when cell phones became as much of a necessity to some people as breathing.

la aventurista said...

I's slightly sick...

Raine said...

I second all of those. I include talking loudly about very personal problems on public transportation. Expecially during rush hour.

Nina Designs + Parties said...

Nice reflexion.
I also hate it when they do it, specially Boyfriend-Husband. Anytime we are in the supermarket he takes phonecalls and I end up shopping by myself.

connor gunton said...

When you're trying not to be seen or heard the biggest asshole on your phone randomly picks that moment to call and get you seen.