Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Totally Awkward Tuesday!

It's Tuesday again! Thankfully, I didn't forget this time :). Hop on over to Tova Darling's blog to get the scoop on the Queen of Awkward (because she started it, not because she's the most awkward).

Todays' TAT actually involves some very important people in my life, and is no longer awkward. And if any of you are interested to hear the story of how I met my sexy boyfriend, read on!

First we will need to rewind to my freshman year of high school. I was dating (as much as you can call it "dating" when you don't got to the same school, and neither of you have a driver's license or a paying job) a guy who we'll call Curly Ex-BF (he has a serious white-boy fro. We're talking seeeeriouuusss). Eventually, it didn't work out between us and we broke up. We all but lost touch for the remaining three years of my high school experience. He was a year older than I am, so he graduated a year before me, and actually went away to college at Liberty, of all places.

At the end of my senior year, my best friend (a year younger than I am), who we'll call Blondie, because she should have been, decided she wanted to go on a college visit to Random College in Nashville. Since she wanted to drive (substantial car trip from our town), she invited me along to see the school and to be her roadtrip buddy. I happily obliged since I love roadtrips, especially to Nashville. Well, it just so happens that Curly Ex-BF decided to start texting me up a storm, even though we'd barely spoken for the previous three years, just as we start this roadtrip. It just so happens that Liberty, where Curly Ex-BF was attending school at that very time, is right smack-dab on the way home from the college we were visiting in Nashville. And it also just so happens that Blondie was considering going to Liberty as well, and yes she would love to accept my Curly Ex-BF's offer to stop by on the way home and visit him and see the school. At this point I was not interested in going to Liberty, thank you very much), but the curiosity of seeing what the ex was up to these days got the best of me.

So, we decided to stop by and see Curly on the way home. The three of us got dinner together, and Blondie and Curly really hit it off. She asked me for his number on the way home, and they started going out shortly after he got home for the summer. That's right ladies and gentleman, my ex-boyfriend and my best friend started dating.

He also played on a softball team, and she invited me to come along and keep her company while he played. She also mentioned that he had a good-looking friend who went to Liberty with him, but also lived in the area, and would be playing on the team with him as well. So I went. So I almost collapsed when I saw how good-looking my Curly Ex-BF's friend was. So we hit it off right away, and now he's the wonderful boyfriend whom I am proud to call my own today.

Now, the four of us all go to Liberty.

I can honestly say that my ex-boyfriend, who is dating my best friend, introduced me to boyfriend, and that the four of us double date. :)


Ebony said...

wow. love it! that's a great story!

la aventurista said...

Yeah, totally crazy!! :)

Nina Designs + Parties said...

Not the usual way to meet a new boyfriend.
Love it that you're all so civilized about it!

la aventurista said...

No, it's not the usual way at all...in fact, if I had heard the story, I would think it sounded really dysfunctional and weird, but I'm glad that it's worked out how it has! :)