Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Totally Awkward Tuesday!

Even though Tova Darling, the creator of Totally Awkward Tuesday, seems to be out of commission on the awkward front until further notice, I suppose I'll keep on Tat-ing it up. Why not? Laughter is the best medicine, and that's about all that these previously awkward situations are good for now!

For this week, mine actually happened like 10 minutes ago. I have a long break between my last class and my next one, but not quite long enough for me to go home and take a nap (so unfortunate). I usually come to the computer lab, or the c-lab, as it is lovingly called around campus to work on homework (blog).

I was sitting over in the corner on a couch, with two chairs directly across from it and a mini coffee table in the middle of it. I understand that usually, a group of people studying together would occupy a space like that, but there were plenty of other open areas to sit, so I figured I'd take a comfy seat on the couch. Before long, a girl comes up and sits in the chair directly across from me. I don't know her at all, but I smile to be polite, despite the fact that I find it odd for someone I don't know to sit so close to me when there are plenty of other comparable seats available. Before long, her friend joins her. So now there are two girls who I have never seen before in my life, sitting so close to me that other onlookers would think we were all good pals. Then, even though I'm visibly studying, with multiple books open and taking notes, they begin to chatter incessantly about some girl in someone's dorm and blah blah blah.

I know that I said that there are very few things that bother me, but a complete disrespect of personal space and noise level does not fall into that category. I was so annoyed/weirded out, that I just got up and moved over to the next seat, so that at least their conversation wasn't right in front of my face. And what did they do? Immediately, they got up and left. What in the world?! After all of that, they leave the very second that I decide I can't handle the distraction anymore. People!

So I don't know if that actually counts as awkward, but at the very least, we can chalk it up on the list (seems to be getting longer and longer) of things that really bug me.

Otherwise, everything here is going well. I'm settling into classes, getting all my assignments completed, even if it means staying up till terrible hours of the night (I'm a true college student now, let me tell you!), and I went to Liberty football's first home game of the season. They won by a ridiculous amount! :)


That Kind of Girl said...

How awkward! I'm sure it didn't occur to them that they might be bugging you, then once you made it clear that they were, they realized it would probably be more appropriate to chatter elsewhere.

Also, I'm so with you on the personal space / noise issue. When I was at university, there was one library with a large computer study section on the bottom floor. For some reason, people took the lack of books to mean that the library was, like, a frathouse foyer, and would have lengthy conversations, cell phone calls, listen to music with no headphones, etc. I got in the habit of scribbling "noise violator" citations on index cards and slipping them to people who were pissing me off.

la aventurista said...

hahaha you're probably right, a lot of times people don't even realize how much they're bothering you until you make it known. Maybe I should start toting around "noise violator" cards too ;)

FRANNIE said...

Yeah, that qualifies as awkward.

Perhaps they had a bet as to how long it would take for you to get up and leave? Especially since there was plenty of open spaces to sit. :)

la aventurista said...

Haha, I hadn't thought of that, although that would be really funny. I didn't last very long, I must admit!

Nina Designs + Parties said...

I'm with you on this one! don't like people who don't respect others personal space!
oh, and by the way, stop by my blog, and add your story, oh, and did I tell you we are now officialy the TAT girls???