Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Totally Awkward Tuesday!

Although TAT's founder, Tova Darling may have written her last awkward story, I still have at least one good one left in the awkward arsenal.

And actually, I have to give credit to Valorie over at her blog, On the Pursuit of Life, Liberty, and Happiness, for her awkward story, because it reminded me of mine.

I know I've blogged about my middle and high school youth group adventures a little bit, and this is no exception. It was the summer after Hurricane Katrina wreaked havoc on the gulf coast of the United States, and my youth group planned a mission trip to Mississippi to help out with people who were still recovering from the damage. We went for a week, and did any kind of construction work to repair some of the wreckage for people who could not afford to completely fix their homes.

We stayed on air mattresses in this random church that had opened their doors for multiple groups like us to stay during such trips. There were probably five other youth groups staying at the church at the same time as we were, which meant that showers were a problem. These temporary shelters with shower stalls were set up, with separate sections for men and women. We had to wait in line every day after we got back from working in order to get a shower, but it was well worth it.

One day, my friend and I happened to get to the showers when there was no line. It was awesome! The way it was set up was similar to dormitory-style shower stalls, where there is a main walkway with a few stalls to choose from. I showered first, and in an effort to let my friend get in the shower quickly, I covered myself in a towel and stepped into the main walkway. There was no door from the main hallway, blocking sight from the outside, but I figured that it was girls only, and I didn't care if any of them saw me in my undies. I commenced changing, and once I had gotten myself to at least bikini-level coverage, I saw a very male face peering over a fence, right at me.

What I hadn't realized earlier, was that there was a small house, with a fenced backyard that backed up right to the ramp to enter the shower structure, and that the creep-o that lived there (not one of the other youth group members) got a good show. The best part was, that even when I caught him and made eye contact, he didn't look away or back down, whatsoever, and I was still standing there in just undies.

I reacted immediately by screaming and pulling open the curtain of the stall my friend was currently showering in, catching her by surprise and narrowly escaping getting an eyeful of her in shower-mode myself. We laughed about the whole situation, and I waited (in hiding from the creep) until she was finished so we could walk out together, right past the creep who was still just standing out near the showers. Sooo awkward!


Raine said...

OMG! What a creep!

Nina Designs + Parties said...

That's so funny!
Never happened to me and don't know what I would do, but you definitely handled it the right way, laughing ;)

PS: What are we going to do now that TAT's are over??
Shoud we continue?

Nina Designs + Parties said...

@la aventurista: What if we kind of share the TAT section? I really would like to continue this, it's a great way for new writers to share their stories and to get to know their blogs.