Monday, August 10, 2009

100% True!

I have a baffling but 100% true, happened in real life, story to tell you. I wish that I could say that something like it happened to me, but 1. I have an amazing boyfriend already and 2. it just didn't. It happened to my roommate, who seems to be a magnet for situations like this.

So let me start at the beginning. She and I are avid baseball fans, although for different teams. Well the team that she loves was playing the team that I love, so the two of us went to see the game. She noticed a guy standing around before the game, sporting her team's jersey and said something along the lines of, "look at the guy with the eyebrow ring! How cute is he?!"

Without thinking much of it, the game starts, and we all return to our seats. His is a section over from ours, although not really close at all. After the game, we continue on with our lives, all but completely forgetting about the guy with the eyebrow ring.

Fast forward to yesterday, when my roomie gets on a plane headed across the country to visit a friend of hers. I got a text from her asking if I remembered Guy With Eyebrow Ring from the baseball game, which I did, because by some crazy odds, he was on her flight! Seriously...the very same flight she was on, headed across the country! At first I didn't believe it, but she swore that it was true and even claimed she'd try to talk to him and ask if it was him to make sure.

Then, she calls me today to tell me that, not only were they on the same flight, they had the same 3 hour layover. She said that for a little while, they were waiting, and kept catching each other awkwardly stealing glances at each other. Finally, she boldly walked up to him (I can't say that I would've done the same, to be honest), and says, "You may think I'm an idiot for saying this, but did you go to the such and such baseball game this summer?" To which he replied, "Yes! That's where I know you from!"

What are the odds? Apparently, they continued to talk for all of the remaining layover, and he even asked the person sitting next to her on the flight to switch seats with him so that they continue to talk for the second half of the flight.

That being said, I've come to the conclusion that my roommate's life would make a much better blog than mine!


Raine said...

OMG!! I am totally jealous! What a super story to tell the grandkids :D

Julie Dunlap said...

Cool story, keep us posted! Thanks for stopping by my John Hughes tribute!!