Monday, August 24, 2009

I survived!

I have officially survived my first day of classes at Liberty! Actually, that's a pretty overdramatic statement considering the fact that I only had 2 classes today, and they are both those easy but mandatory freshman classes.

Overall, I actually liked the classes/experience today a lot. I think it's awesome that the professors pray to open each class, and they have a very genuine love for their students and a desire to see them succeed. At the community college that I transferred from, this was far from the mindset of many of the professors, some of which visibly hated their jobs. So that's really refreshing.

Things I don't like:

1.Parking is ridiculous. I guess that shouldn't come as a surprise at all, since enrollment at Liberty increases every year, and the first week or so is always frenzied (not to mention the number of parents still lingering around campus). Anyway, as a commuter student, that makes it a little frustrating to get from class to class, but I've been assured that this will die down.

2. There are so many people everywhere! I don't mind a lot of people, but it's a little overwhelming. This will also die down after a few days, I know, but it's sort of shocking after going to a community college with about 30 people (maximum) in each of my classes. I've never felt so small-town!

3. I got $400 automatically from the school as a scholarship to use on books. Little did I know, these expire in October and I sort of forgot to use any of them on my books this semester. So, I can trade them in for a Barnes & Noble gift card since that's what our bookstore is. Big ooops. I definitely don't need $400 in Barnes & Noble money, but the bookworm in me is pretty psyched about it anyway. :)

All in all, it really wasn't bad though. I love being in college!

I think I'll have a better (or more realistic, anyway) feel for everything tomorrow, as I have the more difficult classes then. We'll see!


KatBouska said...

I remember parking at my college was crazy like that too! People would drive behind people walking to their cars or just sit there FOREVER waiting for a spot to open up. It was ridiculous!!

What if you bought stuff and Barnes and Noble and then returned it with the receipt a couple days later?? Maybe they'd give you cash back??

Raine said...

As a commuter in college, people would wait by where you enter the lot then offer you a ride to your car, if they could have your spot. It was win/win for everyone - the lot was huge.

la aventurista said...

Raine--That's actually an ingenious idea! :) Maybe I'll have to get the ball rolling here!