Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Totally Awkward Tuesday!

Once again, I nearly forgot that it's Totally Awkward Tuesday! I know I said that my next blog post would be from my new room in the Dollhouse at school, but I lied, because I want to participate in Tova's Totally Awkward Tuesdays! Hop on over to her blog for all the details.

This awkward story happened while I was working as a receptionist in a physical therapy office. Before I worked there, I had no idea how crazy some of the patients are. Well, the front desk that the receptionists (me) sat behind was pretty tall. A person of average height could definitely see over it, but it made for a relatively tall divider between us and the patients who were making appointments at the front desk. It also gave the appearance that we were sitting much closer to the patient that we actually were, but because of the desk's height, our actual seats on the ground were much further from where the patients stood in front of the desk than it appeared.

One day, a male patient, who must have been in his late 50s or early 60s, for reasons that I have yet to figure out, decided it would be a good idea to reach across the desk, through the expanse between patient and receptionist and pinch my cheek. It was even more awkward because he underestimated the distance and had to lean really far forward in order to accomplish the cheek-pinching. It was so awkward.

Happy Tuesdays!


Nina Designs + Parties said...
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Nina Designs + Parties said...

Woaw, that's awkward...
and I wonder, Why would he do something like that????
I don't like it when a person I don't know touches me...am I weird?


JenJen said...

K...two things:
One the laptop dude came to my site, too. It's only sales and the message was the same. Exact. Same.


Raine said...

Strangers should not touch other strangers. Period.


la aventurista said...

Nina-no, you aren't weird, I'm pretty sure that no one likes being touched by strangers! It's disturbing and annoying!

I wonder if the lap top guy thinks that he's going to get a lot of business by putting the same comment on everyone's blog...so weird!