Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Totally Awkward Tuesday!

Oh my word! It's Tuesday again already! And I almost missed it...I completely forgot that today was Tuesday, until I noticed that everybody else is writing out their totally awkward stories (check out Tova's blog for all the details)! Ahhh!

This awkward story actually happened to my mom way back in the day before she married my dad. She was over at his house, playing Pictionary with my dad and his parents. She and my grandfather were on one team, and my father and grandmother were on another team. So it got to be my mom's turn to guess what my grandfather was drawing (contact lense, by the way). So everyone was guessing words related to the eye, pupil, eyelash, etc., and my mother blurts out, "UTERUS!!!"

My stunned grandfather must've dropped his pencil and my dad and grandmother stopped in their tracks. Apparently, my mom had meant to say iris and that other lovely body part just slipped out in its place. Apparently, the group laughed for about an hour. I'm glad it was her and not me, though, but they can all laugh about it now :). I love my mom!


Ebony said...

lol! this is funny and totally cute story!

JenJen said...

HAHAHAH...I loved this! Uterus! giggle

la aventurista said...

hahaha it made me laugh so hard! My mom is hysterical...

Simply Valorie said...

Uterus...Iris...yeah, those sound the same. Hahha. Stuff like this happens to me ALL THE TIME. I will be attempting to say one thing and my mouth will totally betray me and say something awkward. :/

Nina Designs + Parties said...

LOL...It's almost impossible to have parents in law and not have awkard moments...
I just remembered one of my own that I will tell next Tuesday in my blog. Feel free to visit...


Keep on sharing your adventures with the world, this one was really funny!

la aventurista said...

Valorie-- Yeah, I do the same thing...I think I inherited it from my mom haha. I'm always saying something embarrassing, but it makes for some good stories at least!

NINA--Can't wait to hear your story next week! I really like your blog too :)