Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The adventure begins

So, it's my first night in the Dollhouse, as I like to refer to the house that I share with four other girls closeby to Liberty. I have to admit, while I did nothing actually Liberty-related today (I didn't even go on campus yet), I am completely exhausted! And I'm not sure that I'm loving it yet. Let me tell you why...

1. I first entered the basement (that I'm sharing with one other girl, who won't be getting her until Friday), and there was water all over the floor. Apparently there have been a few leak issues that are supposedly were resolved right before I got here, so there shouldn't be any repeat incidents, but it wasn't exactly the greeting that I was expecting.

2. My landlord doesn't know about me. In the state of Virginia, having more than 4 unrelated females living together in the same house is legally considered a brothel (explains the lack of sorority houses). Most college kids who need to get around this law just put 4 names on the lease and have one unsigned roommate, and no one's the wiser. Well, apparently the landlord of the Dollhouse stated that if we have a fifth roommate, he wants more rent money. My lovely roommates decided not to tell me this until today, when I move in. So rather than pay the extra money, they elected to try to hide the fact that I'm living here. I suppose that's understandable, but I really wish that I would have known about it ahead of time, especially when you consider that my honest-to-a-fault parents are less than pleased. We'll see what happens...

3. I hardly unpacked a thing. I should probably get on that. Ahhhhh


Raine said...

And so it begins

Hit 40 said...

The sooner you learn this the better...

you do not need to tell your parents anything!! You are an adult now. You need to worry about your own happiness. Keep the details that they do not approve of to yourself unless absolutely necessary.

...I was just stalking by from a comment that you left at another blog ;-)

Ebony said...

It will all work out, maybe not the way you want, but it will work out. :)

la aventurista said... we go. Hit 40, thanks for stopping by! You're right, I am an adult now and thankfully my parents respect that and are really great about it. They don't really "tell me what to do" anymore, so it's nice. Ebony, you're exactly right, it will work out however it's supposed to!